Our Criteria

Harrington Investments approach to SRI is designed to ensure that our clients’ assets are invested in companies that have a positive impact on society. Below is a list of the inclusionary and exclusionary investment criteria we use to screen our client’s stock portfolios.

Inclusionary Criteria

Harrington Investments seeks to invest in securities of companies that:

  • Finance housing and small businesses
  • Develop alternative energy
  • Promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace and greater community
  • Give generously to charitable causes
  • Implement policies that promote the welfare of their employees
  • Have a positive impact upon society through the quality and safety of their products and/or services
  • Adopt and implement governance policies that recognize stakeholder rights

Exclusionary Criteria

Harrington Investments seeks to avoid investing in securities of companies that:

  • Are involved in the extraction of carbon-based resources, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas for the production of fossil fuels, including the financing of national or international pipeline construction projects.
  • Manufacture weapons
  • Generate nuclear power
  • Manufacture tobacco products
  • Discriminate on the basis of religion, race, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, or perceived disability
  • Genetically modify seeds or living organisms
  • Have significant business involvement in the gambling industry
  • Consistently and intentionally violate and/or circumvent environmental laws
  • Have primary business practices that involve the inhumane treatment of animals
  • Are known publicly to consistently or intentionally violate or deny basic human rights of workers or other stakeholders

Finance Sector Advocacy

In consideration of the influential role of large financial institutions in our global political economy, HII may itself engage such institutions through shareholder advocacy to:

  • Amend governance documents to become Public Benefit Corporations (PBCs) to empower all stakeholders, not primarily shareholders.
  • Reduce, restrict, or eliminate financing of the fossil fuel industry, including the financing of pipeline projects.
  • Eliminate the financing of the production and sale of weapons and/ or armaments.
  • Eliminate the financing of all projects that undermine basic human rights or finance projects that significantly undermine indigenous people’s right to water and lands, and the right to “Free, Prior, and Informed Consent.”
  • Encourage full global transparency of corporate funds spent to influence public policies.